where art plays a central role

Elena Trailina
For several years now, Elena Trailina has been using the gold leaf...
Ali Hassoun
Ali Hassoun mixes the cultural influences of his homeland, Lebanon, with icons,...
Szymon Brodziak
Photographer & Visualteller What you see, is who you are -says Szymon...
Tamoko Nagao
Tomoko Nagao has always worked with a double language, pictorial and graphic,...
Galleria Vik Milano, with its large selection of contemporary art and design, operates as both a luxury hotel and a private museum, creating one of the most original and exclusive hotels in the world. The vast collective exhibition is spread throughout the hotel’s 5 floors including Vik Pellico Otto restaurant, the private exhibition space, 210 Gallery, and each guest room as a site-specific project designed for the particular environment. Most artwork inside the hotel is for sale.